Monogamy: One partner for one partner
Polygamy: One husband, all the wives he can count, sometimes
Polyamory: Without googling ‘polyamory’ I am finding it
difficult to explain it from memory as easily as I explained monogamy and
polygamy. Of course I know what it is but I want to explain it in a way where
you won’t sit and think “Oh you mean an open relationship”. Because that isn’t
what it is and that isn’t what I mean. But I guess the dynamics of a
polyamorous relationship are similar to my difficulty in explaining, properly,
what it means.
There has been research and chatter about whether or not
human beings are naturally monogamous creatures. And the results of this
research and these discussions has always been that no. We are not. And I guess
this opinion is largely based on the high rates of infidelity, oh, everywhere
in the world. In a recent discussion with a friend about polyamory she said
something which I think about 99% of the world’s population might be able to
relate to. She said “I don’t know if I could ever be in a polyamorous
relationship. I would much rather be with one person and do my other dealings
in secret. And I would rather my partner cheated on me and hid it than told me
about their love/like/lust for someone else. That would be too painful”.
I have been in monogamous relationships all my life. But the
ideas of relationship and our partners that monogamy demands we subscribe to
are what put me off. And this is one of the reasons why I have stopped
identifying as monogamous.
In my opinion monogamous relationships have their foundation solidly built on ideas of possession. And that is where the problem, for me anyway, starts…
But it’s romantic. God it’s so romantic to be someone’s one
and only. To know that they love you and you alone and only you have the privilege
of calling them your partner. And let’s face it. The world isn’t designed for
polyamorous relationship. Families consist of one mom and one dad. Or in some
parts of the world a dad and a dad or a mom and a mom. But many moms and many
dads. That’s pretty much unheard of! Even in dating relationships. To try to
explain that you and/or your partner have more than one partner and NO! No one
is a side-chick. Or even better. You are polyamorous, you identify as
polyamorous but neither you nor your partner are seeing anybody else at the
moment. It’s maddening.
So for me. Polyamory is:
- First and foremost, my partner is STILL a human being, regardless of the fact that I love them. They remain a human being who is prone to mistakes and faults.
- Understanding that loving somebody does not automatically switch off yours, or their, ability to be attracted to someone else.
- Being able to have a discussion when it happens that you do meet and want to get to know this someone else
- Being able to understand that this does not mean that I love my partner any less or that they love me any less.
- Being honest…all the time
- NOT just going around dating and sleeping with whomever I please when I please
- Not keeping secrets when you have fallen for someone else
- Acknowledging that you were born in a heteronormative, patriarchal society, and that shit hides itself in places that you don’t automatically think of so sometimes you act in ways that represent this system. And it’s ok. But you need to constantly be aware and check yourself
- Acknowledging your own humanness and human desires and good and bad and faults and awesomeness and sharing ALL of these with your person, with your peoples.
- Accepting and understanding that I cannot, and should not wish to dictate, the ways in which my partner shows love, therefore…
- Accepting that just because she does not necessarily show love in the ways that I would, it does not mean she does not love me
I recently had a discussion with my wonderful friend Lee-Anne.
I was telling her about an incident with my father regarding my sexual
orientation and life choices. And I told her something that rings more true to
me every single day. I said to her “Lee Lee, reinventing the wheel is
exhausting. The world is not only built for a specific kind of person, and a
specific kind of relationship, it’s built against anyone and everyone who doesn’t
I am a very optimistic person, sometimes a bit naïve. I said
to Debbie in therapy once that what concerned me most about my relationship, or
possibility of a relationship, with Sky was not that she was a woman, but the
fact that she was older than me. I had never dated someone that much older than
me. Granted I had never dated a woman either, but maybe it seemed more PC to be
worried about her age as opposed to her gender. And I was naïve!! So naïve!!! Naïve
in believing my life wouldn’t really change. Naïve in believing I wouldn’t
really change. Naïve in believing nobody would have a problem with my choice in
partner. And again I was naïve in thinking being in a polyamorous relationship
was not going to feel like I was literally having everything I thought I knew
about love and relationships sliced out of me.
That’s the thing about consciousness, you can’t control
which areas of your life it does or does not seep into. It gets into
E.V.E.R.Y.thing, like a pair of black socks, mistakenly put in with the white
There are days when I am the person I aim to be. Where I am
killing this polyamory thing (you can tell today is not one of those days because
I have referred to it as ‘this polyamory thing’). Where I am confident, secure,
where I love the fact that I have been able to shed the veil of
heteronormativity and make my own decisions about love and relationships. And there
are days where I am not. Days where I am filled with resentment. Where the
indoctrination has given itself some sort of energy boost. And it’s hard, it’s
extremely hard to fight off. And it feels like a ten ton elephant is sitting on
my chest and what else is there to do but give in? Because, like I said to
Lee-Anne, reinventing the wheel is exhausting. Unlearning everything you have
learned…about pretty much everything is exhausting. Starting from scratch is
exhausting. Developing your own strategies and opinions is exhausting. Being aware
of when the opinions that you think are your own could very well belong to the
heteronorms and patriarchs, is exhausting. Being this person, being in this
relationship in a world that is designed, specifically, to extinguish people
like you…is exhausting.
But nobody said it would be easy. And fact remains, I would
never ever trade any of this life for ignorance and complacency.
For years I lived my life in ways that would be "accepted" by society...first with regards to my sexuality until i couldn't do it anymore and secondly, the "perfect" monogamous life...and even then i had questions about why when the relationships started out, it was beautiful and blissful. we could look at hot girls together with my partner and eventually from a joke about it to side looks that clearly said "stop it!" "i don't like it when you talk to so and so" to me feeling like i was in prison in my own skin. It took years to take that leap of even defining myself as polyarmorous and even now; it's a hard thing to identify as. I choose to love and love well; let love be the leader and not my own ideas of what love should be. I love how I love and I love the love that I have found because everyday is a learning day; everyday i grow; everyday I learn to love better because I've opened up to the possibility even without a single assurance of tomorrow. So yes it is very hard and this level of consciousness is painful but irreversible and I wouldn't change what i know now for what i used to think i knew. the intensity of the love i have come to experience is a hundred times more than that I wanted to savour for "forever". I think my forever has been reached in a few months and still going strong.